園田 陽一, 松江 正彦, 舟久保 敏(2019) 野生哺乳類による道路横断施設の利用とその利用に影響する要因, ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集)12 巻 37-44.
キーワード: 道路生態学, 道路横断施設, ミティゲーション, 野生哺乳類, カメラ・トラップ, 正準対応分析
DOI https://doi.org/10.5632/jilaonline.12.37PDF:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jilaonline/12/0/12_37/_pdf/-char/ja
To enable mitigation and overcome the problems of road-kill and barrier effects, road-crossing structures (RCSs) are being installed worldwide. Previous research has shown that the structure of RCSs and the surrounding landscape pattern affect their traverse by wild animals. This article examined the factors influencing the usage of RCSs by wild mammals on the Toyotomi Bypass (TTB) in Hokkaido and the Higashi Fujigoko Expressway (HFGE) in Yamanashi. The utilization of RCSs by wild mammals was monitored using infrared sensor cameras, and the effects of structural and environmental parameters were analyzed. The structural parameters were 1) volume of RCSs, 2) openness, 3) presence or absence of drainage, 4) presence or absence of shelves, and 5) distance between the RCSs. The environmental parameters were the proportions of 1) bush, 2) non-bush, 3) anthropogenic land use, and 4) the presence or absence of existing vegetation clusters using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The study found that the common factor affecting the utilization of RCSs was the presence or absence of drainage. Other influential factors were the effects of structural and environmental parameters.